Log in to adminweb Sharebox dashboard.
- Start from the Sharebox dashboard.
- To create a pick-up order for a customer, select the locker where the customer key will be placed.
- You can do this by either clicking on the add member icon
(shortcut) or on the row itself.
- If you clicked on the row in the previous step, you will now see detailed information about the selected locker.
- Click on „Add new member“.
- Remark: You can skip the previous intermediate step by clicking directly on the Add new member icon at the locker overview in the dashboard, which will take you directly to this view.
- Follow this order:
- Select "Out" for the exchange method (since it is a car pick-up).
- The customer information to be filled in manually.
- Upload optionally a PDF of the customer invoice by dragging it into the marked field.
If you want to add additional payment to this order, click the "Requires payment" field. - Fill in all the necessary information:
- Payment provider: Select Klarna, Nets (Vipps) or PayPal as payment provider.
- Payment amount: Enter the payment amount in the amount of the service provided (including taxes) and select the correct VAT.
- Currency for payment: Select USD or EUR as the payment currency.
- Payment reference: Enter a reference number so that you can later assign the invoice to the customer; e.g. invoice number.
- Optionally you can add restrictions to the locker.
- Activation date: Add the date you want to activate the locker for the customer.
- Expiration date: Add the date until when the customer should get access.
- Max. locker openings: Add how many times the customer should be able to open the locker (default: 1x).
- Send Notification: Choose between "Now" or "30 hours before locker access". Sending opening receipt to customer and location owner are clicked by default.
- Click “Confirm” = A message will be sent to the customer.
- After you have confirmed, the color in the locker line will change to red. This means that the employee is expected to hand over the key.
- As soon as the key is deposited in the locker, the color changes to green which means that the customer can now pick up the key.
- After the customer has picked up the key from the Service Station, the locker is can be reset and is ready for a new order. This is visualized by the fact that no color is displayed on the left side of the corresponding locker.
- Follow this order:
The customer receives a message with an access link. The customer clicks on the line and conducts the following steps, visualized with a progress bar in the weblink on their smart phone.
- It is required that the customer follow the steps in order to proceed.
Payment: This only when there was a payment added to the order. Otherwise this step will be skiped.
The customer clicks on "start payment" and proceeds to the next window (depending on the country for which this site is being accessed, the content my vary slightly).
The customer can either register with his/her PayPal account or pay directly with the card. If he presses "pay with card", he proceeds to the payment providers weblink.
The customer enters credit card details, payment address and contact information and presses on "continue".
After successful payment, the customer proceeds to the last step.
Remark: Only after successful payment, the customer can proceed to the next step, namely, to open the locker.
Locker opening: After that the customer has entered the location-ID, he/she can open by clicking on "Open locker".