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How to add access restrictions to a locker?

Log in to your adminweb Sharebox dashboard.

Click on theBearbeiten-1 "edit member" icon on the locker where you want to add restrictions. 

The edit member icon is only displayed if only one member has been added to the locker. If more than 1 member are added to the locker, you will see that there is no icon in the 3rd column.

Click on the edit member icon. 

Press "Restrictions".


Select the relevant restrictions

  • Activation date: Add the date you want to activate the locker for the customer.
  • Expiry date: Select the date until when you want the customer to have access. 
  • Max. locker openings: Add how many times the customer should be able to open the locker (default: 1x).
  • Send notification: Choose between "Now" or "30 hours before locker access" or "Do not send notification". Also you can choose if you want to send an opening receipt to the customer and the location owner. 
  • Click “Confirm” = A message will be sent to the customer.