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  2. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started with adminweb?

When accessing the adminweb for the Sharebox Service Station, please use Google Chrome only (do not work on Explorer).

Register Account:

  • For the account registration, you will receive an invitation email from Sharebox Webadmin.
  • Click on the "Register here" link in the email you received from Sharebox adminweb.
  • Fill in all necessary information:
    • First name and last name
    • E-mail (e-mail = e-mail address from the registration e-mail)
    • Password
    • Confirmed password
  • Click „Register“
    • Select the correct country code and enter your mobile number.
        • Important: To register, use a cell phone that you take home with you after work. This will give you the ability to operate lockers around the clock. This would not be the case if you use a company cell phone that stays at the office. 
    • Press „Send code“. A sms with the code will be sent to your mobile number.
    • Enter the code received in the SMS and press "Confirm code".
    • Now you can use your adminweb.