Log in to your adminweb Sharebox dashboard.
Dealer perspective
- Start from the Sharebox dashboard.
- To create an order for a customer, select the locker you want to reserve for the customer
You can do this by either clicking on the add member icon(shortcut) or on the row itself.
- If you clicked on the row in the previous step, you will now see detailed information about the selected locker.
- Click on „Add new member“.
- Remark: You can skip the previous intermediate step by clicking directly on the "Add new member" icon
on the specific locker in the dashboard, which will take you directly to this view.
Follow this order:
- Select "In" as exchange method (since it is a vehicle drop-off).
- „Parking location“ does not need to be filled in during car drop-off, since the customer chooses where to park the car. The customer enters the parking lot number himself during the drop-off process via weblink, see the end of this chapter.
- You now fill in the information manually:
- Fill in all necessary information:
- Registration number: registration number of the car (mandatory)
- First and last name of customer
- Mobile number: Mandatory! Select the right country code and add the mobile number of the customer. The mobile number is mandatory so that the customer receives per sms information and access to the locker of the Service Station.
- Email: Add the customer's email address (optional).
- Optionally, you can add restrictions to the locker.
- Activation date: Add the date you want to activate the locker for the customer.
- Expiry date: Add the date until when you want the customer to have access.
- Max. locker openings: Add how many times the customer should be able to open the locker (default 1x)
- Send notification: Choose between "Now" or "30 hours before locker access". By default, opening receipt to recipient and owner are ticked.
- Fill in all necessary information:
- Click on “Confirm” = A message with an access link will be sent to the customer.
- After confirming, the color in the line of the locker will change to green. This means that the customer has received access and key drop-off is awaited.
- When the customer has opened the locker, deposited the key and closed the locker again, the color code in the webadmin changes to red.
- You can pick up the key now.
The customer clicks on the link in the text message (SMS) received and performs the following 3 steps visualized with a progress bar:
Accept process: The customer accept the order. The customer can click on "T & C" to confirm, and he/she proceeds to the next step "START PAYMENT".
Open locker: After the customer has entered the parking space and location ID, he/she can open by pressing "Open locker". An opening receipt is sent to the recipient (customer) and the car dealer/workshop (location owner).